Why Color Is Key To Branding and Marketing
Amptek Growth
Why BANT is Necessary to Qualify Leads
Amptek Growth
One of the most valuable things in life AND business is time. For example, choosing to spend time on a bad lead is a wasteful use of time. While every business is unique, there is a common qualifying procedure for leads known as BANT. Using BANT cuts time-wasting WAY back in sales.
Top 3 Tips to Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile - Leading to more Relationships & Customers
Amptek Growth
Below you will find my top 3 tips to optimizing your LinkedIn profile that will help bring some life into your page and generate more profile views leading to more relationships. Your profile is your free advertisement and if complete can help you rank better and searches and clarify your objectives as a professional.
Converting Leads to Phone Conversations
Amptek Growth
Once an interested prospect responds to your Linkedin campaign it's important to take the prospect to a phone conversation. Here are a few example messages to use to engage with interested individuals and move the conversation to a phone call:
When Prospects Show No Interest
Amptek Growth
This is a guide when a prospect shows no interest or says that they already have your product/service.